Chamber Pak
Our Monthly Mailer
The Chamber’s monthly direct mailer goes out to all Chamber members, plus those who ask for it explicitly, meaning you can reach over 600 people within the Campbell County business community.
The mailer is a physical envelope, standard letter size, with Chamber markings on the outside, and sponsored advertising on the back.
The $250 cost for Chamber members ($200 for non-profits) to insert their newsletter, sales flyer, or coupons includes postage and labor, a $500 savings over direct mailing your advertisement yourself. New Chamber members get $100 off their first insert, and if you plan to give us a flyer every month, we charge $200 monthly ($150 monthly for non-profits).
As a general rule, we stuff the Chamber Pak the third Tuesday of each month, though there are sometimes exceptions.
Space in the Chamber PAK is limited. Please call 307-682-3673 to check for availability.